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Featured Plant - Fortnight Lily


Updated: Nov 18, 2020

Consider the Fortnight Lily, whose long, languid, Ikebana-friendly stems and leaves are shown in the horizontal arrangement below.

Also known as African, Japanese or Butterfly Iris, the Fortnight Lily is a surprise and delight in so many ways. Although it is a clump-forming, perennial with saber-like leaves and seemingly vertical stems, the length and pliability of both serve horizontal or slanted Ikebana arrangements perfectly. Even the buds before or after bloom are curiously engaging, organic, wrinkled green kernels that dangle like fairy-tale fruit on outstretched limbs.

The Fornight Lily is easy to cultivate in your own garden, but can also be found growing wild in most climes. It prefers full to dappled sun in order to flower in profusion.

And, oh, those dainty flowers, delicate in both form and color! In them is one of those surprises I mentioned above – they last only one day!

This can either break your heart or make it sing. Through Ikebana, the gift of impermanence is realized. Take the time to see and do it now!


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Jul 04, 2019


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